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It is designed to work with virtually any floating bridge instrument, like Archtop and Macaferri guitars, and even semi-acoustic electric guitars with Tune-o-matic bridges. It is also well-suited for the banjo, cello, and many ethnic or folk instruments like bouzouki, saz, etc.
Spese di trasporto
The Definity System is a brand-new solution that delivers K&K's natural pickup power to a variety of difficult to amplify acoustic instruments in an elegant and easy-to-install package.
It is designed to work with virtually any floating bridge instrument, like Archtop and Macaferri guitars, and even semi-acoustic electric guitars with Tune-o-matic bridges. It is also well-suited for the banjo, cello, and many ethnic or folk instruments like bouzouki, saz, etc.
One single pickup element usually transmits an entire instrument with good balance.
The Definity System comes with a stereo endpin jack (soldered mono) that allows for future upgrades. The endpin jack includes a self-adhesive clip that can be removed. It allows you to choose internal or external jack locations.
The pickup is only 6/1000 of an inch thin and measures 1 3/4” x 3/4” total. We call it a “compression pickup” because it is especially suited for “wedged” applications under a floating bridge. However, the pickup element is capable of transmitting sound like soundboard transducer as well. In fact, we found that the best tone is achieved if the pickup is mounted so it is partially “wedged” and partially open on the soundboard.
The Definity pickup reaches its true potential with a preamp. A basic solution is theDefinity Preamp, which features a phase switch, adjustable mid and treble controls (via trimpots), and a 1/4” line out.
A more professional solution combines the Definity pickup with a Pure XLR Preamp. It features +/-20 db bass, mid, and treble controls, plus an adjustable input gain control. Its noiseless circuitry provides unsurpassed clarity and power and the adjustable input gain allows you to dial in the precise amplification factor needed for your instrument.
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K&K Tonabnehmer sind RoHS-konform. Piezo Keramik ist offiziell ausgenommen. In der Herstellung der Keramik wird Blei verwendet, da es leider derzeit keinen funktionstüchtigen Ersatzstoff gibt. Das Blei ist in die Keramik eingearbeitet und wird beidseitig durch eine Silber Elektrode versiegelt. Die Keramik ist auf einer soliden Messing Platte befestigt. Von oben ist sie mit einer Plastikversiegelung versehen, so dass das Blei also vollkommen hermetisch versiegelt ist und einen Kontakt mit der Haut unmöglich macht. Beschädigen Sie den Pickup nicht, da Sie mit Blei in Berührung kommen könnten. Wir sind WEEE konform und tragen exklusiv für K&K Produkte europaweit die Verantwortung gemäß ElektroG.
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